
Pisa, Italy - March 2017

Dubravec, Slovakia

Bol som súčasťou projektu Erasmus+ vďaka ktorému som mal možnosť ísť do Talianska. V Taliansku bolo veľmi dobre a myslím si že to bola pre mňa veľmi dobrá skúsenosť. Myslím si že na tento projekt dlho nezabudnem. Po návrate z Talianska som zistil že moje zručnosti z anglického jazyka nie sú až tak zlé ako som si myslel. Cítim viac sebavedomý a odhodlaný vzdelávať sa aby som mohol byť súčasťou viacerých podobných projektov.

I was a part of Erasmus+ project thanks to which I could go to Italy. It was a good time in Italy and I think that it was a really good experience. I think that I won´t forget this project for a long time. After we returned from Italy I realised that my English language skills are not that bad as I thought. I feel more confident and I am determined to learn more so I can be a part of more projects like this.

Olaszországi kirándulásunkról egyet biztosan el tudunk mondani, hogy egy felejthetetlen élmény volt. Sok mindent megtanultam, és megismertem új embereket. Akikkel idegen nyelven kellett beszélgetnünk ami izgalmassá tette. Sokat javult a kommunikációs képességem angolul és új dolgokat is megtanultam. Számítógépen megtanulhattam saját blogot csinálni az én sajátos ízlésem szerint vagy hogy hogy készíthetek Word-ben brosúrát. Ezeken a dolgokon kívül új dolgokat tudtunk meg az olasz és román kultúráról. Várom már hogy újból fejleszthessem a tudásom és új embereket ismerhessek meg majd a jövőben.

About our Italian trip, we can say one thing, that it was unforgettable experience. I learned a lot of things and I met some amazing new people. We spoke with them in a foreign language which was more exciting and completely new. My communication capability has improved a lot in English language and I have learned a few practical new things to do on the computer too. I learned how to create a blog to my own taste or how can I make a brochure in the Word. Beyond these things, we learned new things about Romanian and Italian culture. I am waiting for a new opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge and in the future. I also hope that I will meet some new people around the world.

Levente, Slovakia

Som veľmi rád že som mohol byť súčasťou programu Erasmus +. Rozvíjal som svoje schopnosti čo sa týka anglického a talianskeho jazyka. Naučil som sa lepšie pracovať s počítačom, individuálne aj v kolektíve. Stretol som milých ľudí, žiakov aj učiteľov. Taktiež som mal šancu zoznámiť sa s rôznymi kultúrami Európskych štátov zahrnutých v programe.

I am very pleased that I could be part of the Erasmus + program. I have developed my English and Italian language skills. I have learned to work better with computers, individually and in a team. I met nice people, pupils and teachers. I also had a chance to get acquainted with different cultures of the European Union included in the program.

Zsuzsa Hajabács (business and information services) Slovakia

Az olaszországi kirándulás egy egész életre szóló fantasztikus és fejelthetetlen élmény volt. Nem csak az angol beszédképességeink, hanem a számítógéppel kapcsolatos tudásunk is bővült. Rengeteget tanultunk az olasz és a román kultúráról, például hogy az olaszok nem szoktak húst rizzsel enni, a rizs náluk csupán előétel, vagy akkor eszik, ha betegek. Megtanultuk hogyan kell Wordben brosúrát csinálni, hogyan kell blogot készíteni, és még rengeteg más dolgot, amit felhasználhatunkk majd az életünkben. Nagyon várom már a következő ilyen találkozót, hogy még többet tanulhassak és még több emberrel ismerkedhessek meg.

The trip to Italy was fantastic and unforgettable. We were developing not only our English language skills, but also our computer skills. We learned a lot about Italian and Romanian culture, for example Italian people don't eat rice with meat, they eat it only as pre-meal, or when they are sick. We learned how to make a brochure in Word, how to make our own blog, and more useful things that we can use in our future professional life. I'm looking forward to meeting again. I would love to learn more things and meet a lot more new people.

Tento projekt mi umožnil získať nové počítačové zručnosti a tiež zlepšiť sa v anglickom jazyku. Taktiež sa mi páčila kultúra Talianska a správanie domácich k nám. Aktivity, ktoré sme robili boli veľmi zaujímavé ako obhliadky mesta tak aj skupinové aktivity v škole. Veľmi sa mi páčilo aj kultúrne predstavenie, ktoré si pre nás pripravili žiaci v posledný večer. Z celého týždňa som mal veľmi dobrý pocit a rád sa ešte niekedy zúčastním na takomto projekte.

This project allowed me to gain new computer skills and improve in English. I also liked Italian culture and the behaviour of Italian people towards us. Activities that we did were very interesting as sightseeing and group activities at school. I really like the performance that students prepared for us on the final day. I had a good feeling of the whole week we spent there, and I hope I will have an opportunity to participate in a project like this.

Adriana Giusti, Class 3 Reception

Andrea Sanacore, Class 3 Reception

It was nice experience for me and I enjoyed and learned a lot during these activities . I think that Erasmus + changed me and gave me a better point of view about Romania and Slovakia. I also improved my English a lot and met beautiful people.

I liked the activities of the project ERASMUS+ because they have allowed me to improve in a fun and very nice way my use of English.
Thanks to this project I think I was able to overcome my insecurities.

Umberto Caruana, Class 3 Reception

Ilenia Colonnata, Class 3 Reception

The Erasmus + project Cooperative Interactive Learning was an important educational experience.

The strength of this activity was the fact that we met people from different countries and this made us to test ourselves especially with regard to the conversation in English which has always worried me a little bit. Thanks to the project we could speak in the most natural way possible and beyond our expectations. It was nice to work with other European students and to share ideas and opinions on sport, cooking etc.

In Pisa we carried out activities in groups and learned how to use new programs such as Prezi and how to create a blog.

At the beginning, I was not very excited about doing this project but when I started working with the students coming from other countries I realized how interesting it was to know new cultures and traditions. In fact, during the breaks I did not just stay only with my usual school mates but on the contrary I had great fun also with the Romanian and Slovak boys, and met them again after school almost every day.
In conclusion I really enjoyed doing this project and I hope to repeat the experience very shortly. I like to meet new people and learn new things.

Alice Papini, Class 3 Reception

Erasmus plus Cooperative Interactive Learning was a really nice experience, I enjoyed it a lot and at the same time I learned new things like creating a blog and using Prezi.
But above all I was able to communicate with people from other countries in English working with them and this is the thing I liked most, I hope I will have another chance like this also next year!

Suceava, Romania - October 2016

Ana Polak 3AT - student of Hospitality and Tourism course, Italy

Posso descrivere questo progetto in una semplice frase:"Vorrei ritornare lì". È stata un esperienza nuova per me e sicuramente posso descriverla come interessante e divertente. Ho conosciuto nuove persone con delle diverse culture e abitudini. Abbiamo imparato a comunicare tra di noi. Vorrei rivivere un altra volta quest'esperienza per sapere di più sulle diverse nazioni.

I can describe this project with a simple sentence:"I would like to go back there". It was a new experience for me and I can describe it as an interesting and fun experience. I met new people from different cultures and with different customs. We learned to relate to each other. I would like to repeat this experience one more time to learn more about the different countries.

Cerlino Vincenzo IV AT - student of Hospitality and Tourism course, Italy

Secondo me è stata un'esperienza unica e molto interessante anche perché era la prima volta che partecipavo ad un progetto del genere. Mi è piaciuto molto conoscere un altro paese e conoscere altri ragazzi della mia età con una cultura e una lingua diversa dalla mia. Anche se non ci conoscevamo per niente, dopo il primo giorno abbiamo fatto amicizia molto velocemente.
La Romania mi è piaciuta... tantissimo, con i suoi paesaggi naturali coloratissimi e spero vivamente di tornarci presto.

Secondo me è stata un'esperienza unica e molto interessante anche perché era la prima volta che partecipavo ad un progetto del genere. Mi è piaciuto molto conoscere un altro paese e conoscere altri ragazzi della mia età con una cultura e una lingua diversa dalla mia. Anche se non ci conoscevamo per niente, dopo il primo giorno abbiamo fatto amicizia molto velocemente.

La Romania mi è piaciuta tantissimo, con i suoi paesaggi naturali coloratissimi e spero vivamente di tornarci presto.

I think it was a unique and very interesting experience also because it was the first time I participated in a project like this. I really liked to getting to know another country and meet other boys and girls of my age, a different culture and language than my own. Although we didn't know each other, after the first day we became friends very quickly.

I really loved Romania, with its colourful and natural landscapes, and I really hope to return soon.

Gabrile Granieri IV CC - student of Cookery course, Italy

Il viaggio è stata la mia prima esperienza all'estero e, oltre ad avermi permesso di visitare la Romania, mi ha dato la possibilità di mettere alla prova le mie conoscenze della lingua inglese. Il progetto, che era un lavoro sullo scambio culturale e un modo per aiutarci a parlare inglese, mi ha fatto conoscere nuove persone, sia italiane che straniere, che mi hanno fatto divertire tantissimo e che non dimenticherò mai.

The trip has been my first experience abroad and, besides allowing me to visit Romania, it gave me the opportunity to test my knowledge of the English language.

The project, which had to be a cultural exchange and a way to help us to speak English, introduced me to new people, both Italian and foreign, who have made me laugh a lot and who I will never forget.

Sereni Cristel IV AT - student of Hospitality and Tourism course, Italy

Mi è piaciuto partecipare a questa parte del progetto e avere l'opportunità di conoscere nuove persone e nuove culture. E' stato divertente imparare dei vocaboli in lingue che non conoscevo prima, e confrontarsi parlando delle proprie abitudini e stili di vita. E' formidabile rendersi conto come siamo tutti molto simili, nonostante le cose che ci rendono unici, quanti interessi e altre cose avevamo in comune.

E' bello anche vedere come i rapporti di amicizia possano andare oltre la difficoltà della lingua e che per comunicare non sia servita neppure chissà quale conoscenza dell'inglese. E' stato bello e divertente lavorare insieme, al di là del tipo di lavoro che ci veniva richiesto. Sicuramente è un'esperienza che rifarei volentieri.

I liked participating in this part of the project and having the opportunity to meet new people and new cultures. It was fun to learn some words in languages that I did not know before, and talk about their customs and lifestyles. It is great to realise how we are all very similar in spite of the things that make us unique. We had in common many interests and other things. It's also good to see how friendship can overcome the difficulties of the language and to communicate did not even need any kind of language knowledge. It was great and fun to work together, despite the type of work that was required of us. Certainly, it is an experience that I would do again gladly.

Andrea Guerri III AT - student of Hospitality and Tourism course, Italy

In Romania mi sono divertita molto, ho conosciuto persone nuove e simpatiche. All'andata in aereo abbiamo avuto qualche problema con l'atterraggio a causa del maltempo ma poi è stata una bella settimana.

La mattina andavamo a scuola dove ci dividevano a gruppi composti da 3 persone (un italiano, un rumeno e uno slovacco) in modo tale da poter relazionare.

È stata una bella esperienza che consiglierei di fare a tutti almeno una volta nella vita.

I enjoyed myself a lot in Romania, I met cool new people. When we left, we had some problem with the landing, because there was bad weather, but in the end it was a nice week there. In the morning, we went to school and we divided into groups with 3 people (an Italian, a Romanian and a Slovak), to relate with them.

It was a great experience that I recommend to everyone to do once in their life.

Candrea Claudiu, Romania

A fost o săptămână plină de activități, din prima zi și până la ultima; personal mi-au plăcut mult jocurile nonformale de cunoaștere din prima zi - astfel am reușit în scurt timp să ne cunoaștem și să ne simțim ca prieteni vechi deși ne știam doar de câteva ore. Am lucrat în echipe mixte să realizăm logo-ul proiectului, sloganul precum și posterele cu mâncare tradițională. Preparatul mâncării de la microcantina Universității a fost distractiv și mă bucur că mâncarea a ieșit bună și gustoasă. Chiar dacă nu vorbesc foarte bine limba engleză, am reușit să comunic cu colegii din echipe. Mă voi strădui să învăț mai bine această limbă deoarece mi-am dat seama că este un lucru foarte important.

It was a week full of activities, from the first day till the last one. Personally, I enjoyed very much the nonformal knowing games from the first day - in this way we managed in a very short time to know each other and to have the feeling that we are old friends although we knew each other just for a couple of hours. We worked in mixt teams for making the project logo, slogan and the traditional food posters. Making food at the University Microcanteen was really fun and I am glad that the food was tasty. Even I don't speak well English, I managed to communicate with my team colleagues. I will try my best to better learn English because I realised how important is it.

Moscaliuc Florin, Romania

Am trăit o experiență grozavă în acestă săptămână. De aș putea da timpul înapoi să mai am parte de o asemenea săptămână... A fost o săptămână plină de activități în care am fost nevoit să fiu pus în situația de a lucra în echipă cu câte 2 persoane din țări diferite. A fost puțin mai greu la început, dar ne-am cunoscut destul de repede și apoi a fost minunat. A fost foarte bine că am început prima zi cu jocuri de cunoaștere pentru că am învățat numele persoanelor venite și partea cea mai distractivă a fost când ne-am desenat unii pe alții. După aceea, în următoarele zile am făcut concurs de logo si de slogan. Faptul că am ieșit la cetate și în afara orașului ne-a determinat să socializăm în limba engleză și să schimbăm impresii despre culturile diferite din care provenim. A fost o săptămână minunată și abia aștept sa ne reîntâlnim în Italia.

I had a great experience for the entire week. If only I could turn back time to have such a week again... It was a week full of activities in which I had team up with two people from different countries. It was a little difficult at first, but we got to know each other quite quickly and after that it was amazing. It was comforting that we started the first day with games of getting acquianted because we learned the names of the people who came and the funniest part was when we drew each other. Then, for the next few days, we had some competitions for creating the logos and slogans for our project. Going out to visit the Fortress of Suceava and other surroundings enabled us to socialize in English and to exchange cultural backgrounds. It was a wonderful week and I look forward to the next meeting in Italy.

Bejinariu Sebastian, Romania

M-am simțit grozav în această săptămână. Am cunoscut oameni minunați și ne-am bucurat de fiecare moment. Am gătit mâncare tradițională împreună, am vizitat diferite plaiuri bucovinene, am învățat să creez logo-uri și sloganuri, dar și multe alte lucruri. A fost o săptămână specială pentru mine.

I felt great this week. I met amazing people and we enjoyed every moment. We cooked traditional Romanian food together, we visited various places from Bucovina, I learnt how to create a Logo and a Slogan and many other things. It was a special week for me.

Andrușcă Alexandru, Romania

O sa încep prin a spune ca sunt foarte fericit să iau parte la acest proiect. Prima activitate de învățare a fost o experiență grozavă pe care nu o voi uita niciodată. Am fost înconjurat de oameni minunați și deschiși, cu un caracter special. Am învățat o multitudine de lucruri noi și mă simt mai bogat pentru că acum am prieteni noi și știu lucruri noi. Sper că ne vom vedea din nou cu bucurie în suflet pentru că sunteți toți speciali pentru mine, prieteni buni.

I will start by saying that I am verry happy to take part in this project . First Learning Activity was a great experience that I will never forget. I was surrounded by great open-minded people with special characters. I learned a lot of new things and I feel richer because now I have new friends and I know new things. I hope that we will meet again with tons of joy in our souls as you're all special to me, great friends.

Gălățan Daniela, Romania

A fost o săptămână grozavă în care am participat la mai multe activităţi. Am lucrat împreună cu două persoane din ţări diferite. La început mi s-a părut greu, dar după aceea am observat că mă descurc şi a fost distractiv. Am preparat chiar și mâncăruri tradiţionale din zona noastră a Bucovinei. Faptul că am vizitat Cetatea de Scaun a Sucevei și alte locuri bucovinene m-a determinat să fiu mândră că pot să povestesc altora despre istoria și obiceiurile noastre. Aş fi vrut să pot da timpul înapoi şi să trăiesc momentele trecute petrecute împreună, dar știu că nu voi uita niciodată experiența trăită și lucrurile învățate în prima săptămână a proiectului.

It was a great week in which I participated in various activities. I worked with two persons from different countries. At the begininng, I thought it was going to be hard, but after working together I noticed I did well and it was fun. We even prepared traditional dishes from our area of Bucovina. The fcat that we visited the Fortress of Suceava and other amazing places from Bucovina made me feel proud that I was able to share pieces of our history and customs with people from other countries. I wish I could go back in time and relive the past moments spent together, but I know it will always remember the experience and the things I learnt in the first week of the project.

Sahiba Mohsin 2. A OIS ( business and information services) Slovakia

Tento týždeň bol pre mňa nezabudnuteľný. Naučilo ma to lepšie spolupracovať a otvoriť sa novým ľuďom. Rumunský aj taliansky tím mi prirástol k srdcu a viac som sa zblížila aj s členmi nášho tímu. Program bol skvele zorganizovaný a o zábavu bolo vždy postarané. Veľmi mi to miesto bude chýbať a dúfam, že sa tam raz vrátime. Ďakujem, že som mohla byť súčasťou tohto programu.

This week was unforgettable for me. It taught me to perform team work better and open to new people. Romanian and Italian team will always stay in my heart and I got closer to our team members too. The program was very well organized by Romanian team and they took care of the fun side too. I´ll really miss that place and I hope we will get back once again. I´m glad for that I could be a part of Erasmus+ programme - learning activity.

Diana Manyuczová 2.A OA ( business academy) Slovakia

V rámci projektu Cooperative Interactive Learning ( program Erasmus + ) sme cestovali do Rumunska s našimi pani učiteľkami Meszárosovou a Hajabácsovou. Rumunsko má úchvatné prírodné bohatstvo a veľmi milých ľudí. Naučili sme sa tam veľa užitočných vecí, napríklad ako vytvoriť logo či plagát. Vďaka komunikácii s Talianmi a Rumunmi sme sa zlepšili v komunikácií v anglickom jazyku. Rada by som sa tam vrátila.

Within the project Cooperative Interactive Learning ( Erasmus+ program ) we travelled to Romania with our teachers, Ms Meszárosová and Ms Hajabácsová. Romania has beautiful nature and very nice people. We learned a lot of useful things such as making logo or poster. As we were communicating with Italians and Romanians, we improved ourselves in English. I would like to go back there again.

Pásztor Franciska 2. B OIS ( business and information services) Slovakia

Ez volt életem legizgalmasabb és legszuperebb hete. A programokat remekül megszervezték, minden egyes napot élveztem. Nagyon tetszett a város, és az ottani emberek is nagyon kedvesek voltak. A templomok és a román kultúra megtetszett. Köszönöm, hogy részese lehettem ennek a programnak.

It was the most exciting and amazing week of my life. The daily activities of the program were well organised, I enjoyed every day. I really liked the city and people, they were really kind. I loved the churches and Romanian culture was breath taking too. I am grateful that I could be part of this program.

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