Suceava Day 4 – Traditional Romanian Gastronomy


Although our stay in Suceava was coming to an end, we were having fun. The joy and friendly atmosphere were present everywhere. We were witnessing new friendships, networking between schools and promising cooperation. This day was all about Romanian regional gastronomy. Everybody was there, doing their best to help and the result was yummy and flavourful. We literally took a peek under the lid of Romanian gastronomy. Of course, everything was performed under supervision of Romanian teachers and Italian chef. Students, who might run their own business in tourism, gastronomy, hospitality and catering, had a great opportunity to try out working in a professionally equipped kitchen. If they want to be successful in the future, it is vital to know all aspects of providing all kind of services in this type of business. Effective team work is a stepping stone for any success. But we can say that this day´s result was phenomenal.

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