Suceava Day 5 - Feedback and evaluation of the learning activity


What to say at the end of our first project meeting - learning activity? We could avoid a well - known cliché - Everything that begins - has to end one day. No, our story and our journey does not end here. On the contrary. This meeting was about first contacts, about "testing waters" and identifying potential hiding itself in the project. On this day, we were evaluating and assessing and through feedbacks we were trying to figure out whether we accomplished and achieved all goals and tasks. The questionnaires were aimed at determining motivation of students to participate in educational activities in the framework of Erasmus+. Alongside, we were interested in development of communication skills in English language, entrepreneurial, social and computer skills. Cooperative education, and the ability to learn from each other in informal environment was rated highest among student participants. We talked about how working in mixed teams changed students´ view on different cultures and nationalities. None of them realized that his partner comes from a culturally and linguistically different backgrounds. There are more things that keep us together than those that keep us apart. We still have a lot of tasks ahead in the project, but the success of the first training activity in Suceava, Romania gives promises of successful outcomes and long-term cooperation.

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