Learning Activity in Suceava Romania


The project Cooperative Interactive Learning in the framework of ERASMUS + programme Key Action 219 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices has enabled us to start the necessary changes in education and training. First experience and contacts with each other are a clear indication that the financial resources we have received for the project implementation are the best possible investment. The project involves three schools: Secondary School of Business and Services - Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltatóipari Szakközöpiskola, Budovateľská 32 Komárno (project coordinator), Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentari Suceava Romania and Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione "G. Matteotti "Pisa Italy.

Day 1 - Getting to know each other

It is said that every beginning is difficult. However, in this case the reverse is true. Our story and our way to the common goal started in a very relaxed and funny way. Many interesting activities organized by Romanian partners relieved awkward feelings of the unknown and the uncertainty. In a fleeting moment the school was full of spontaneous laughter of pupils and teachers. Jan Amos Komensky´s message that School is a game was fulfilled to the last moment. Laughter, joy and feelings of happiness provoked in us a desire to know each other more and better. The hall was full of languages, Romanian, Slovak and Italian and all of them were reigned by English language. Where words were not enough - we used a smile. Thus we could fulfil one of the main ideas of the project - the new friendships among culturally and linguistically diverse people were promises of inevitable changes in mutual understanding and tolerance.

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